‘The Finest Honey’ is the bee farming company run by former retail mabatement and logistics pros, Rob and Leigh. And their honey is indeed fine - so fine, in fact, that their first harvest in 2017 sold out in 1 week!
Rob and Leigh specialise in collecting swarms and re-homing them in hives situated in more appropriate locations and all of their honey comes from these ‘rescued bees’, but only after they have had time to adjust to their new homes.
The Finest Honey comes from a range of urban sites in Greater Manchester and from the beautiful hills between Bolton and Blackburn. We have brought them together here under the historic portmanteau of Lancashire. Their Salford Honey is used by the Salford Rum Company and their Manchester Honey is used in restaurants all over the city, most recently including Yo Sushi in Manchester Piccadilly.
3 products